The Half-Hearted King
971- 931BC
Bible Reference: 1 Kings 1-11; 2 Chronicles 1-9
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- Solomon was the second son of King David and Bathsheba.
- When God asked Solomon in a dream, “Ask for whatever you want Me to give you?” he requested wisdom to lead God’s people. He was given wisdom, prosperity, and a long life.
- His wisdom was renowned throughout the world.
- He established the largest kingdom in Israel historically.
- He built a thriving trade culture and made Israel prosperous through taxation and diplomacy.
- He created a modern army for Israel with horses, chariots, and established a market for iron working along with precious metals.
- He constructed and dedicated the first temple built to honor the one true God.
- He made peace with others through a foreign policy that was built on royal marriages. Solomon had 700 wives and 300 concubines.
- Foreign wives ultimately turned Solomon’s heart away from God to idolatry.
- Solomon died disillusioned and hard-hearted and he passed his kingdom on to his son Rehoboam.
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