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The Deliverer

1529- 1407BC

Bible Reference: Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy

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  • After Joseph, a new Pharaoh came along who enslaved the Israelites in Egypt, and when they grew numerous he ordered all male babies be thrown into the Nile river.
  • Moses was born in secret to Amram and Jochebed from the tribe of Levi.
  • When his parents could no longer hide him, they put Moses in a basket and pushed him into the Nile river, sending his sister to watch the baby along the banks.
  • Pharaoh’s daughter heard Moses’s cries and pulled him out of the Nile. She asked Jochebed to nurse Moses and gave him his name which means “out of the water.”
  • Moses was raised in the Pharaoh’s courts and was well educated.
  • He struggled with his identity having been born a Hebrew but raised as an Egyptian.
  • When he was 40, he killed an Egyptian when he saw him beating a Hebrew slave. He thought no one was looking but shortly after, everyone found out, and Moses fled to the desert.
  • Moses lived for 40 years in the desert of Midian hiding from the Egyptian authorities.
  • He lived with Jethro and took Jethro’s daughter Zipporah as his wife.
  • When he was 80, God called Moses through a burning bush and told him he would lead the Israelites out of Egypt.
  • Moses was reluctant, but God revealed His true nature as the one and only God and did miracles to show His power before Moses.
  • Moses was slow of speech, so God allowed Aaron to be used to speak on his behalf.
  • Moses appeared before Pharaoh and asked for the Jewish people’s release, but Pharaoh refused, so God punished the nation with plagues.
  • God poured out ten plagues on the nation of Egypt. The tenth was the most severe when God took the life of every firstborn child.
  • The only way people were spared from the last plague was by taking a lamb’s blood and putting it on the threshold of their home. This instituted the Passover.
  • Moses led two million Israelites out of Egypt and was pursued by the Pharaoh’s army and cornered at the Red Sea.
  • God used Moses supernaturally to part the Red Sea so the Israelites could cross on dry land. He then closed the sea on the Egyptian army.
  • Moses went up on Mt. Sinai where he received the Ten Commandments from God.
  • The Israelites saw that Moses had taken a long time meeting with God decided to create their own idols, turning away from God. When he returned, Moses destroyed the first stone tablets given by God and killed the idolaters.
  • God renewed His covenant with the people and gave them another set of stone tablets.
  • God gave Moses plans for the tabernacle and a process to worship Him, and He led the Israelites during their time in the wilderness.
  • Moses talked and had a relationship with God unlike anyone else.
  • He led the Israelites as they wandered through the wilderness for 40 years after being disobedient and cowering in fear when they believed false reports from the twelve spies.
  • During their time in the wilderness, Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible known as the Pentateuch: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.
  • Ultimately, Moses was held back from entering the Promised Land because, in his anger, he did not follow through with what God had asked him to do.
  • Moses died at the age of 120 after giving his farewell address found in Deuteronomy. Though he was not allowed into the Promised Land, God allowed him to see it from Mt. Nebo.

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